The Story of the Baden-Powells


  • Lord Baden-Powell: Bow
  • girl/s: say “hooray for girls!”
  • Agnes Baden-Powell: curtsy
  • Olave Baden-Powell: curtsy
  • world: spin like a globe
  • Thinking Day: tap the side of your head like you’re thinking
  • friends: shake hands with your partner & smile
  • birthday: say “happy birthday” and blow out imaginary candles


LORD BADEN-POWELL was born in England more than 150 years ago. He wrote a book about camping, first aid and enjoying nature. Boys loved the book, and soon Lord B-P started Boy Scouts. Then girls wanted to join Scouts, so Lord B-P’s sister, Agnes Baden-Powell, helped to start Girl Guides.  When Lord Baden-Powell married Lady Olave Baden-Powell, she started to work with Girl Guides, too, and became the World Chief Guide, helping to spread the Movement to girls and women all over the world.

Lord and Lady Baden-Powell shared the same birthday. They were both born on February 22nd! On this day our Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting friends all over the world celebrate Thinking Day with a very special party!