2.20 Trekking to Brazil
Program Connections
- The World Around Me
Girl Guides of Canada Challenges
- Zoe's Trek Around the World Challenge - Brazil
- 2010 100 in 100 Challenge - WAGGGS country: Brazil (11 of 25)
Gathering Activity
- Need to put up a world map before each meeting. Show where Vancouver, San Francisco, Beijing (China), Hong Kong, Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (Australia), Singapore, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Nairobi (Kenya), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Paris (France), Belgium and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) are on the map.
- Show Rio de Janeiro photos (downloaded from the internet) while reading the journal entries.
- Read Zoe’s Journal Entry 11 – En Route to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The Girl Guide Association in Brazil is called: Federação das Bandeirantes do Brasil (Federation of Girl Guides of Brazil). The age groups are: Ciranda (Brownie) - aged 5 to 9, Bandeirante 1 (Junior Guide) - aged 9 to 12, Bandeirante 2 (Guide) - aged 12 to 15, Guia (Ranger) - aged 15 to 18. Visit their Web site at: www.bandeirantes.org.br. The information is all in Portuguese and there are some pictures of some activities that are part of the Guide Movement in Brazil.
- Make friendship cards that you could send to a unit in Brazil. You can use some of these words in Portuguese: hello: bom dia goodbye: adeus beautiful: belo excellent: ecelente good: bon happy: feliz yes: sim no: não thank you: obrigado you’re welcome: de nada please: por favor. [Guiding Challenge option]
- You can also colour a picture of a Brazil Ciranda.
Opening song
Spark Promise
- Zoe’s Journal Entry 12 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Activity – [Active Challenge Option] - Mountains and Valleys
- Imagine that you are going on a hike in Rio de Janeiro with Zoë. There are lots of hills and mountains surrounding Rio. Before you leave, you might want to warm up and get your legs strong and ready.
- March on the spot
- Climb a ladder – Stand on the spot with feet slightly apart. Move your arms and legs up and down as if you were climbing a ladder.
- Grow like a tropical flower found in Brazil – Stand on your feet and crouch down with your head down and arms folded like the closed petals of a flower. Slowly stand, unfolding your arms and extending them overhead like a flower opening.
- Walking Wonders – Begin by walking in a large circle, swinging your arms at your sides. Everyone follows the leader. Touch your shoulders with your hands and reach them overhead. Turn your chin side to side and look over each shoulder for five seconds. Walk on your toes. Walk on your heels. Walk sideways. Skip forwards and sideways. Sway like a tree in the wind.
- After you have warmed up, start your imaginary hike through the hills of Rio.
Game – [Cultural Challenge Option] - Dance to the beat
- Get into small groups and create a dance routine using Latin music. Perform your dance for your units or as part of your Carnival celebrations.
Craft – [Creative Challenge Option] - Mask for Carnival
- Carnival is Rio’s main event. It happens seven weeks before Easter Sunday. It starts on a Saturday and ends of Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras. This is a big event with lots of things happening. One of the largest events is the Samba Parade. If you were going to Carnival, what kind of mask would you make? An animal? A clown? A bird?
- Materials Needed: • paper • glue • scissors • tape • piece of thin cardboard (e.g., pop can box, poster board or an old cereal box) • drinking straws OR a ruler OR an unsharpened pencil
- Optional: • sequins • sparkle glue • feathers
- Instructions:
- Trace a mask on white or coloured paper (or buy masks from the dollar store).
- Colour your mask shape.
- Cut out your mask shape.
- Take a big piece of thin cardboard and spread glue on it.
- Try to spread a nice, even coat so it doesn't soak through the mask.
- Use your fingers to spread it and then wipe it off right away with a damp cloth.
- Place the mask shape (face up) onto the cardboard and press it down.
- Make sure all the edges of the mask are firmly glued down.
- Let your mask dry at this point.
- Cut out around the mask.
- Poke a hole through the center of the eyes and cut out the eye holes.
- Be creative at this point. Use sequins, feathers and/or sparkles to decorate your mask.
- You can tape a straw or an unsharpened pencil to the back of your mask to hold it up to your face.
- If you're using straws, slide one straw into the other one
- Tape the joint of the two straws.
- Optional: Tape some feathers to the end of the straw.
Closing Song