2.18 Trekking to Kenya

100in100zoe-kenyaworldaroundmeProgram Connections

  • The World Around Me

Girl Guides of Canada Challenges

  • Zoe's Trek Around the World Challenge - Kenya
  • 2010 100 in 100 Challenge - WAGGGS countries: Australia (3 of 25), Singapore (4 of 25), United Arab Emirates (5 of 25), Kenya (6 of 26), South Africa (7 of 25)

Gathering Activity

  • Need to put up a world map before each meeting. Show where Vancouver, San Francisco, Beijing (China), Hong Kong, Auckland (NZ), Brisbane (Australia), Singapore, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), and Nairobi (Kenya) are on the map.
  • Show Australia, Singapore, UAE and Kenya photos (downloaded from the internet) while reading the journal entries.
  • Read Zoe’s Journal Entry 7 – En Route to Nairobi, Kenya
  • In Kenya Sparks are called Rainbows. They wear a red dress with a blue scarf.
  • Colour a picture of a United Kingdom Rainbow. [Guiding Challenge option]
  • Nearby, in South Africa (point out on map), the Spark-aged girls are called Teddies.  Colour a picture of a South Africa Teddy. (to be taken home to colour)

Opening song

Spark Promise


Game[Active Challenge Option]

Game[Cultural Challenge Option]

  • African Dancing
    Dancing is a favourite form of celebration and recreation throughout Kenya. Traditional dances are also part of national holiday celebrations, and various ethnic groups compete with one another in traditional dance contests. The best known Kenyan dances are masai and samburu. Some dances involve hypnotic swaying. Others are more energetic, with leaping and precision movements. Try to imagine that you are a group of warriors. Make a big circle and take turns going into the centre of the circle and jumping really high to the beat. To create a beat, clap your hands and stamp your feet. Here ia a web site to help you find out more about music and dance: www.bluegecko.org/kenya/

Craft[Creative Challenge Option]


Closing Song