2.17 Trekking to New Zealand

100in100zoe-nzworldaroundmeProgram Connections

  • The World Around Me

Girl Guides of Canada Challenges

  • Zoe's Trek Around the World Challenge - New Zealand
  • 2010 100 in 100 Challenge - WAGGGS country: New Zealand (2 of 25)

Gathering Activity

  • Need to put up a world map before each meeting. Show where Vancouver, San Francisco, Beijing (China), Hong Kong and Auckland (NZ) are on the map.
  • Show New Zealand photos (downloaded from the internet) while reading the journal entries.
  • Read Zoe’s Journal Entry 5 – En Route to New Zealand
  • New Zealand has Sparks. They are called Pippins and Zoe was happy to find them right in Auckland, where she was staying. “Pippins care, so Pippins share with other Pippins everywhere.”
  • Just like Sparks, Pippins wear pink t-shirts, but it is a light pink colour! Colour a picture of a New Zealand Pippin. [Guiding Challenge option]

Opening song

Spark Promise


Game [Active Challenge Option]

  • Indoor Surfing
    Get ready for a fun-filled surf adventure in New Zealand.
    Play some cool surf-inspired music and create movements that you would do if you were surfing with Zoë in New Zealand. Have a leader call out the actions, slowly at first and then faster and faster.
    Paddle out to catch your wave.
    Stand up and ride the wave.
    Lose your balance (gently fall off your board).
    Jump over a giant wave.
    Swim into shore.


  • Story – Zoe’s Journal Entry 6 – New Zealand – Days 3 & 4 (Museum / Maori people / Underwater world / Mt. Eden volcano)

Game[Cultural Challenge Option]

    • Discover Maori Culture
      The Maori people are the native, or indigenous, people of New Zealand. They have many rich traditional arts and dances. Some examples are found at www.maori.org.nz/waiata/
    • Imagine that you are a Maori person and come up with a dance that you can share with others. Here are some tips:
      Create footwork that changes speed according to the music.
      Hold your body strong and tall.
      Use your hands and fingers and create fun movements with your upper body.

    Craft[Creative Challenge Option]


    Closing Song