Game: Puso at aso (Phillipines)

Pusa at Aso means cat and dog in the Filipino language of Tagalog. This game teaches the children how to work together while having fun.

Preparation and Set Up

Pick two players – one to be the cat and one to be the dog. Have the other players join hands and make a large circle. The dog stands on the outside of the circle, the cat on the inside.

How to play

  1. On the count of three, the dog tries to run into the circle and catch the cat. Both the cat and dog can run in and out of the circle as they wish.
  2. Players in the circle are there to help the cat. To prevent the dog from catching the cat, players can raise and lower their joined hands making it hard for the dog to pass by.
  3. If any player in the circle feels that the dog needs a break then she can yell, “Open the gates” and everyone releases their hands.
  4. When the cat is caught then a new cat and dog are chosen.
  5. To add to the excitement and a change to the game a leader or girl may wish to yell “Switch” and then the cat must try to chase the dog.