Game: Making Change

Give each girl a sign that indicates that she represents 50 cents (2 quarters) or one dollar (a looney) or two dollars (a twoney). The idea of the game is to get into groups that make up the cost of the number of boxes of cookies you call out. The girls skip or hop (or some other action you decide on) around the game area. When you call out “One Box”, or “Three”, the girls must group together so that their total ‘value’ is the same as the cost of that many boxes of cookies. To make sure some girls are not left out when the box groups are formed, have a number of extra signs available. The girls who are left over as change can then come and select the signs they need to make up the total you have indicated.

Note - with Sparks, we found that it was best to stick to making up the money for just one box of cookies.