Song: My Aunt Grete
from the Netherlands
My aunt Grete, veeda veeda vete,
Has a puss, veeda veeda vuss,
And that puss, veeda veeda vuss,
Has a tail.
And that tail, veeda veeda vail,
Has a curl, veeda veeda vurl
Has a tip.
And that tip, veeda veeda vip,
Has a curl, veeda veeda vurl,
And that curl, veeda veeda vurl,
Has a tail.
And that tail, veeda veeda vail,
Has a puss, veeda veeda vuss,
And that puss, veeda veeda vuss,
Has my aunt.
These should be made with sweeping rhythmic movements, fitting the words.
Describe in the air a very large lady; a smaller cat, with whiskers; a long sweeping tail, and a curl. At "tip", dot the air, and draw a large comma. Repeat the same gestures in reverse, slowing down at the last phrase.
Source: Jubilee Songbook published by Girl Guides of Canada.
Original source unknown. Probably public domain. May be reproduced.