Results 1 - 15 of 15
- 2.21 Thinking Day Ceremony
- Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week For Thinking Day, our district hosts a Thinking Day ceremony where every...
- Created on 2013-07-18 15:15:51
- 2.19 World Centres and Thinking Day
- Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering Activity (in their circles) attendance and dues Girls can...
- Created on 2013-07-18 15:03:51
- 2.18 Canadian World Friendship Fund
- Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering Activity (in their circles) attendance and dues Quiet...
- Created on 2013-07-17 17:13:58
- 2.3 Fairy Games
- Program Connections: Key to Brownies 4. Being a Brownie Key to Girl Guides Interest Badge Helping Sparks Gathering Activity(in their circles) Girls...
- Created on 2011-09-27 18:35:21
- B2.30 Brownie Memories
- This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider. Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 1. Girl Guides Through Time 3. Brownie Memories 4. Being a Guide 5. Moving Up 6....
- Created on 2011-08-31 16:44:13
- B2.19 It's a Fiesta
- This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider. Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Key to the Arts 4. Crafts from Afar 5....
- Created on 2011-08-31 16:26:48
- B1.28 Brownie Memories
- This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider. Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 1. Girl Guides Through Time 3. Brownie Memories 4. Being a Guide 5. Moving Up 6....
- Created on 2011-08-11 16:45:12
- B1.23 Wondrous Walk
- This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider. Program Connections: Key to the Living World 1. Wondrous Walks (game) 4. Celebrate Earth Day Key to Girl Guides interest...
- Created on 2011-08-10 18:15:41
- B1.18 WAGGGS World Centres
- This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider. Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide/Scout Week 6:00 - 6:05 pm Circle...
- Created on 2011-08-10 16:11:51
- 1.35 Almost Goodbye
- Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 5. Moving Up 6. Staying Friends Gathering Activity (in their circles) Attendance and dues Brownie memories...
- Created on 2011-07-03 18:14:17
- 1.21 Thinking Day Meeting (District Event)
- Program Connections: Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week This is a District Event for us. Every unit in the district attends...
- Created on 2011-03-13 23:49:50
- 1.20 Our Chalet
- Program Connections: Key to the Arts 5. Around the World in Song and Dance Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering...
- Created on 2011-03-13 23:41:53
- 1.19 Pax Lodge
- Program Connections: Key to the Arts 8. Marvellous Masks Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering Activity (in their...
- Created on 2011-03-13 19:55:33
- 1.18 Sangam
- Program Connections: Key to Me 3. My Favourite Things Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering Activity (in their...
- Created on 2011-02-19 21:27:25
- 1.17 Our CabaƱa
- Program Connections: Key to the Arts 4. Crafts from Afar Key to Girl Guides 2. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week Gathering Activity (in their...
- Created on 2011-02-04 17:52:28