Results 1 - 7 of 7
- 2.11 Love Yourself
- Program Connections Being Me Being Healthy Girl Guides of Canada Challenges nedic Love Yourself Challenge Gathering Activity [nedic body image activity] Body pride pledge: reminds...
- Created on 2009-11-25 19:05:38
- 1.28 Sparks are Daring
- Program Connections Being Healthy Exploring and Experimenting Girl Guides of Canada Challenge Daring Book For Girls Challenge (from the National Website) Gathering Activity Game:...
- Created on 2009-11-16 21:56:27
- 1.18 Hygiene Meeting (Being Healthy keeper - part 3)
- Program Connections: Being Healthy 8 - Additional Activities Colouring in the activity books Opening song “Song: Sparks Jump Up” Spark Promise Participation Story [Being...
- Created on 2009-05-08 16:02:50
- 1.17 Healthy Eating Meeting (Being Healthy keeper - part 2)
- Program Connections: Being Healthy (although the activities do not specifically meet the program book descriptions, we believe that the activities at this meeting fulfill the spirit of the badge descriptions) 1...
- Created on 2009-03-12 22:44:44
- 1.16 Active Fun Meeting (Being Healthy keeper - part 1)
- Program Connections: Being Healthy (although the activities do not specifically meet the program book descriptions, we believe that the activities at this meeting fulfill the spirit of the badge...
- Created on 2009-03-12 22:19:14
- 1.20 Lion and Mouse Meeting
- Program Connections Girl Guides of Canada Challenge: Bone Building Challenge - Fitness Obstacle Course (active living stations) - 300 points This is a just for fun meeting, with the focus being...
- Created on 2009-03-02 23:33:47
- 1.22 Safety & Band-aids Meeting (Being Healthy keeper - part 4)
- Program Connections: Being Healthy 4 - Heartbeats 6 - Safe Play 7 - Band-Aids 8 - Additional Activities - Safety Story Girl Guides of Canada Challenge Sparks 20th Anniversary...
- Created on 2009-03-02 17:58:15