2.14 Weather Watcher
Program Connections: | |
Gathering Activity (in their circles)
- attendance and dues
- Weather symbol crossword; seasonal plant drawings; Skating seek and find - weather gathering
- Circle Songs
- Brownie Song
- Why is the weather different in different parts of the world?
- Seasons change because as the Earth orbits, its hemispheres are titled towards or away from the Sun. It takes Earth about 365 days, or one year, to go around the Sun. When the northern hemisphere tilted more toward the Sun, the southern hemisphere is tiled more away from the Sun. During this time, the northern hemisphere experiences summer, while the southern hemisphere experiences winter. The areas near the Equator, the imaginary line around the middle of the Earth that separates the two hemispheres, do not tilt much toward or away from the Sun. This means their weather is more consistent throughout the year. Tropical countries in South America such as Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil, are good examples of areas that do not vary much in temperature during the year.
- Review the answers to the crossword puzzle (this ensures that even the girls who did not do the puzzle will be introduced to the different weather symbols)
- How do different seasons affect everyone's life?
- Why do you think seasons change? Where is it hot all year round? Where is it cold all year round? What would be the best things about living where there were only one or two seasons a year? What would you miss the most?
- What are some plants that stay green all year round?
- Plants that stay green all year are called "evergreens". Often we think of trees in this category, but there are other plants that stay green, such as vines, shrubs, bushes, and some low plants (for example, holly).
- Review plants for each season drawing ideas – winter would be some sort of evergreen (pine tree, juniper bush, ivy, etc), spring could be flower bulbs (daffodil, crocus, tulip, etc), summer could be fruit trees, annual flowers (such as sunflower), vegetables, etc., fall could be pumpkins, chrysanthemums, gourds, sedum, etc.
Weather Drama
- First Step: Thinking about it.
- What are some of the activities you do most in each season? (Going to school, playing football, raking leaves, etc. in the Fall; swimming, going to camp, watching television, etc., in Summer; playing Little League, planting a garden, etc., in Spring; shoveling, skiing, playing hockey, etc., in Winter.)
- What kinds of weather do we tend to have in each season? (Sunshine, thunderstorms, heat in Summer, fog, hurricanes, cool in Fall, snow, sleet, icy winds in Winter, friendly rain, warm in Spring.)
- Second Step: Acting it out.
- Next ask the girls to imagine it is Fall (for instance). Think of an essentially Fall activity and begin to act it out. When the leader calls out, "weather!" some kind of typical Fall weather will take place. Each girl chooses for herself which kind of weather it happens. When I call out, "weather!" everyone must react appropriately to whatever weather they are imagining.
- Snowmen coffee creamers (see online links for ideas -http://lmgtfy.com/?q=snowmen+coffee+creamers )
- Snow gauges (see online for ideas - http://www.crafts-for-all-seasons.com/snowman-snow-gauge.html - note that we painted a paint stir stick white and added our own markings and decorations).
- We began to work on our area music challenge. Songs included:
- The Brownie Song
- For Health and Strength
- The Frogs
- Join Into the Game
- My Aunt Grete
- In a Cottage in the Woods
- One Can Run Very Swiftly
- I Like the Flowers
- Bed Is Too Small
- Brownie Closing
Brownie Closing
- Sing Now Run Along Home – song tune at http://www.dltk-bible.com/now_run_along_home.htm
- Sing the Brownie Closing Song