2.4 Cookie Girls
Program Connections: | |
Gathering Activity (in their circles) {Cookies, Yum! and Cookies Rising - Handling Money}
- Put the following list in each circle box:
- Take attendance and dues.
- Put your meeting bead onto your nametag.
- Play the Cookie Case Money Game (get help from an owl!)
- Play the Game: The Cookie Case Money Game.
- Circle Songs
- Brownie Song
Story: History of Girl Guide Cookies {Cookies Rising - History of Girl Guide Cookies}
- Read the Story: Girl Guide Cookie Story (http://www.girlguides.ca/cookie_story)
- after reading the story, solicit the girls to tell you what they remember about it
Goal Setting {Cookies Rising - Goal Setting and Key to I Can 8B}
- Talk about the Cookie All Stars program and setting goals to reach the prize levels.
- Talk about how we use our cookie profits in our unit.
- Also brainstorm different ways to sell cookies.
Etiquette {Cookies Rising - Etiquette and Cookies, Yum! interest badge}
- Have two large sheets of paper on the floor in the middle of the circle. One says "Bad" and the other says "Good".
- Give each girl a large card with one of the following statments on it (these are just samples - you can make up your own!):
- Say thank you
- Say please
- Say excuse me
- Walk on the grass
- Mumble
- Chewing gum
- Wear your uniform
- Wear jeans and a t-shirt
- Go alone
- Go with an adult
- Give the right change
- Walk away without giving change
- Pet a dog without asking permission
- Go into a customer's house
- Smile
- Frown
- Say "Hey, Lady... wanna buy some cookies???"
- Ask for permission to put a cookie poster up
- Drop cookie boxes on the ground
- Keep the cookie boxes clean
- Open a box of cookies that you haven't paid for
- Wear a cookie costume
- Walk away without thanking your customer
- Sing a cookie jingle
- Tell people how your unit uses cookie money
- Cross the street at a crosswalk
- Cross back and forth across the street to go to each house along the way
- Have each girl read her card aloud and put it onto the correct pile - "good" or "bad"
Game: Cookies Crossing {Cookies Rising - Teamwork}
- The girls must use teamwork to cross the milk lake while playing Game: Cookies Crossing.
Craft: Cookie Flowers {Cookies Rising - Creativity}
- Have an active game ready as a time filler
- We played Stella Stella Ola and Game: This Way Valerie
- Sing cookie songs
Brownie Closing
- Collect name tags
- Sing Now Run Along Home – song tune at http://www.dltk-bible.com/now_run_along_home.htm
- Sing the Brownie Closing Song