B2.11 Brr It's Cold Outside
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
6:00-6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening song
6:05 – 6:10 pm
- #6 Fun Alone
- What activities are fun to do by yourself?
- A. Plan an activity that you like to do by yourself.
- B. Draw a picture of a special place where you like to read, listen to music, or draw
- *Take home worksheet - return next week
6:10 – 7:10 pm
- #3 Art by Hand
- A. Make a knitted, woven or appliquéd square.
- B. Gather the materials you’ll need. Make your square.
- Use the square for a potholder, or combine it with other squares from girls in your unit to make a quilt for “Blankets for Canada” or another service project.
- *listen to Christmas music
7:15 – 7:25 pm
- Read ‘The Biggest, Best Snowman’
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Brownie closing song
(Snowman paper dolls as back up if quilt does not take as long as expected)
Supplies needed for meeting
- toad stool
- cell phone
- dues bag
- brownie binder
- clock
- attendance clipboard
- owl
- chair signs & pins
- meeting plan
- dues record
- pencil case
- first aid kit
- hand sanitizer
- badge bag
- CD player
- Kids Christmas CD
- Knot-a-quilt
- Appliqué pieces
- Irons x 2
- Ironing board
- ‘Fun Alone’ worksheet
- District Crest contest letters
- Key to Me – interest badge worksheets
- ‘The Biggest, Snowman’ book
- Snowman paper dolls
- Scissors
- Crayons
- Glue sticks
- Plastic table covers
- Cookie money/paperwork
- District skating party folder