B1.28 Brownie Memories
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
6:00 - 6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening song
- Brownie Promise
6:05 – 6:15 pm
- #1 Why has Guiding been popular for almost 100 years?
- *see ‘Guiding Through Time’ story
6:15 – 6:20 pm
- Show & Tell – Brown Owl’s Brownie uniform
6:20 – 6:30 pm
- #3 What activities do you like doing as a Brownie?
- #2 What are the best activities, celebrations or trips you’ve had with Brownies?
- C. Tell what you think it will feel like to go from Brownies to Guide.
- #5 What new things will you be able to do as a Guide?
- #4 What badges will you earn as a Guide?
- How can you stay in touch with your Brownie friends, even if they move or don’t go on to Guides?
- B. Look at your Brownie outfit. How much have you grown?
6:30 – 6:35 pm
- “It’s a Small World” Guiding song *see song sheet
6:35 – 7:20 pm
- A. Make a memory book about things you enjoy about being a Brownie.
- A. Look in the Guide catalogue to pick out an outfit.
- B. Draw a picture of yourself in a Guide uniform.
- A. Get the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of the girls in your unit.
- B. Make an address book containing all the information
7:20 – 7:25 pm
- ‘The Guide Look’ relay race (sorry, no details were provided to me!)
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Brownie closing song
- Toad stool
- Cell phone
- Dues bag
- Brownie binder
- Clock
- Badge bag
- Attendance clipboard
- Owl
- Chair signs & pins
- Meeting plan
- Dues record
- ‘Guiding Through Time’ story
- Tracey’s Brownie uniform
- ‘It’s a Small World’ song sheets
- Memory book kits
- GGC catalogues
- GG paper dolls x 2 (relay game)
- Pencil crayons
- Large paper
- Masking tape
- Black felt
- Pencils
- Advancement gifts
- Membership renewal folders
- Stamp pads (watermark & brown)
- Stamps
- Glue pen
- Brown glitter
- Glitter tray
- Girl Guide (group & badge lists) & inf