B1.17 Put Waste in its Place
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
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6:00 - 6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening song
- Brownie Promise
6:05 – 6:10 pm
- Bring Back a Clean World/Picking Up the Litter (*see song sheet)
6:10 – 6:30 pm
- 5. D. Reuse old material in a new way. For example, turn a ripped old t-shirt into cleaning rags, a pop bottle into a terrarium, a toilet roll into a bird feeder or food containers into art supply holders.
- Terrific Trash interest badge: Make something for your home out of recycled material, such as a vase out of a bottle. Decorate it. Use it.
- Make stained glass vase.
6:30 – 7:05 pm
- How can you make your community and country a good place to live?
- 4.A. Find out what causes bad air and other pollution. Discuss ways you and your unit can help improve the environment.
- Air pollution
- Causes: burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) which generates most of the worlds energy is the worlds biggest cause of air pollution because it produces toxic gases, tiny bits of dust, metal, soot and other materials reduce air quality, acid rain
- Walk, cycle or use public transportation
- Turn off lights, tv, radio and other electrical item when not in use
- Use low-energy light bulbs
- Avoid using gas powered machinery (ie. lawn mower)
- Turn off your car engine when waiting
- Water pollution
- Causes: harmful substances such as oil and chemical waste enters waterways by accident or intentionally dumped
- Install low-flow shower heads and faucets
- Run the dishwasher only when it’s full
- Install a rain barrel for use in watering plants/lawn
- Take your car to a car wash facility rather than washing it in your driveway or on the street
- Don’t pour chemicals down the storm sewer
- Fix taps, faucets and pipes that are leaking
- Land/soil pollution
- Causes: disposing of acids, pesticides, chemicals, radioactive waste, sewage sludge on our land
- Purchase materials that are sold in reusable containers
- Look for products that have very little packaging
- Buy in bulk
- Use safe alternatives to pesticides
- Buy organically grown fruits and vegetables
- Reduce, reuse, recycle
- Talk old clothing, furniture and appliances in good working condition to collection depots
- Noise pollution
- Causes: Especially in cities, from cars, trucks, buses, machines, alarms, sirens, loud music, airports, trains, factories. Noise can cause hearing damage over long periods of time/unpleasant to live listening to noise all the time.
- Turn down the volume of music/tv at home so you don’t disturb family/neighbours
- Don’t slam door
- Walk quietly up and down stairs
- Why should we reduce, recycle and reuse waste, and what can you do to help?
- 5. B. Learn how to turn food waste into compost for gardens.
- Scraps of food (except for meat, fish, bones and fatty foods such as cheese and cooking oil) can be thrown into your vegetable garden and worked back into the soil, or they can be composted.
- Compost is decayed organic matter. It is used for fertilizing and improving the soil. Fruit and vegetable waste, grass and leaves are organic matter typically used in composts.
- Composting is the process where you take your recyclable food and yard waste and turn it into compost.
- Find a place in your yard for a compost bin. Chop your compost materials into small pieces so the composting process works faster. Composting needs oxygen to work. Add compost material to pile loosely. If the materials are compacted too much, the air will not flow through the pile and the materials will not decompose quickly.
- Kitchen scraps should be added to the center of the pile. A compost pile will generate heat, and the center is where the heat will be the greatest. Placing your fresh scarps in the center of the compost pile will also hide the food from animals and insects. You should turn the materials in the pile with a shovel or pitch fork every one or two days. The compost pile should always be kept moist, so you may need to spray water on it once in a while. It will take 6 – 12 months for the compost to be ready for use.
- Recycling activity booklet – pg. Put waste in its place, Recycling crossword puzzle, Close the loop
- (kids to work on word search/maze while waiting for all kids to complete stained glass vase project)
7:05 – 7:15 pm
- Environment quiz game
- Split girls into 2 teams. Each team will be asked a question, they will decide as a team what the answer is. Whichever team has the most points at the end wins. (*see questions)
7:15 – 7:25 pm
- Recycling relay game
- Split girls into 2 teams. Each girl runs to pile of recycling, picks an item, runs back and puts it in the correct bag and sits down. Repeat process until all items are put in the correct recycling bag. Whichever team has all girls sitting down wins.
- Resources: Living Greener Calendar and Recycle Guide
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Hand out Terrific Trash sheets
- Brownie closing song
- Toad stool
- Cell phone
- Dues bag
- Brownie binder
- Clock
- Badge bag
- Attendance clipboard
- Owl
- Chair signs & pins
- Meeting plan
- Pencils
- Ice cream pails x 2
- Old rags/hand towels x 2
- Extra glass jars – small
- Glue
- Plastic containers x 7
- Sponge brushes
- Tissue paper squares (assorted colours)
- Recycling activity booklets
- Song sheets
- ‘Terrific Trash’ interest badge/recycling handouts - calendar & guide
- Tape
- Roll of paper for tables
- Hair dryer
- Recycling bags x 2
- 2 bags recycling (14 items each) for relay game
- Environment quiz game
- Recycling tattoos/recycled scented pencils – prizes
- Recycling symbol
- Jar
- Painting smock