B1.16 Valentine Craft Party
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
6:00 - 6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening songBrownie Promise
6:05 – 6:25 pm
- Paint 3 wood hearts
6:25 – 6:50 pm
- Make valentine’s for nursing home (4 per girl)
6:50 – 7:05 pm
- Sand wood hearts
7:05 – 7:20 pm
- Valentine games
Heart Beat
- Heart for each child with instructions written on one side ie. hop like a bunny, walk like a crab, skip, walk backwards etc and a heart-shaped chocolate taped on the other
Divide girls in to two teams. Put the hearts at the end of the room in two piles. On your mark the first child on each team runs to the pile, takes a heart and does what the heart says, while returning to their team, then sits down. The next team member then runs to the pile etc. The first team to be sitting down wins.
Heart Hop
- Pillow heart for each team
Children divide into two teams. Give each team a heart pillow. Have one child from each team place the heart between their legs and hop to the end of the room and back. They sit down and the next team member goes. This repeats until one team is all sitting.
7:20 – 7:25 pm
- Valentine book – “Twas the Night Before Valentine’s Day”
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Brownie closing song
- Toad stool
- Cell phone
- Dues bag
- Brownie binder
- Clock
- Badge bag
- Attendance clipboard
- Owl
- Chair signs & pins
- Meeting plan
- Crayons
- Glue
- Valentine paper
- Scissors
- Doilies
- Foam hearts
- “made by” labels for valentine’s
- Wood hearts (12 small, 12 medium, 12 large)
- Jute
- Raffia
- Sponge brushes
- Paint (2 pink, 2 ivory, 2 hot pink)
- Plastic containers
- Rags/towels
- Wax paper
- 13 cardboard pop flats
- Valentine’s gift bags
- Heart trio sample
- Sand paper
- Pencils
- “made by” labels for wood heart trio craft
- Book “Twas the Night Before Valentine’s Day”
- Glue guns
- Glue sticks
- 2 x heart pillows
- Paper hearts with chocolates/relay activities
- Tape
- Table paper