B1.21 Cookies, Yum!
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
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6:00-6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening song
- Brownie Promise
6:05 - 6:15 pm
6:15 – 6:20 pm
- 8. Girl Guide Cookies
- Why do Brownies sell Girl Guide cookies and how is the money raised used by your unit?
- B. Set unit goals for the cookie campaign. At the end of the cookie campaign, discuss how well you met your sales goals.
- A. Choose an activity, such as a cookout, that your Brownie unit would enjoy doing. Plan how much it will cost and how the unit will get there. Discuss how cookie sales will help pay for the activity.
6:20 – 6:35 pm
- Create a poster, newspaper ad, or radio, or television commercial to promote Girl Guide cookies.
- Include in the presentation:
- How the cookies taste, the ingredients and how much they cost
- What your unit does with the money it raises.
6:35 - 6:40 pm
- Learn how much each box costs, how to keep records, and how to make change.
6:40 - 6:50 pm
- C. Practise selling cookies with your unit, using skits.
6:50 – 7:05 pm
- Find out how to be a safe cookie seller.
- Don’t go into a stranger’s house.
- Don’t go up to a parked car.
- Make sure you always sell cookies with a buddy and an adult, such as a parent, guardian or leader, supervising.
- Don’t criss-cross the road. Sell on one side of the street, cross where it is safe and sell on the other.
- Look both ways when crossing the street.
- Never sell to people in cars.
- Never carry large amounts of money. Return home frequently to deposit money collected.
- Carry money in cookie dough envelopes, not in your pockets.
- Only give your first name and never your address or phone number when selling.
- Sell only in neighbourhoods and areas familiar to you.
- Make sure you know the name and phone number of someone to call in case of an emergency.
- If you must sell when it is dark, wear bright colours and carry a flashlight. If you can, sell door-to-door during daylight hours only.
7:05 - 7:10 pm
- Cookie Sale/Itsy Bitsy Brownie/I Like Vanilla songs (*see song sheet)
7:10 - 7:25 pm
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Brownie closing song
Supplies needed for meeting
- Toad stool
- Dues bag
- Brownie binder
- Clock
- Badge bag
- Attendance clipboard
- Owl
- Chair signs & pins
- Meeting plan
- Dues record
- Cookie pin kits
- Cookie pin sample
- Paper
- Pencils
- Microphones x 3
- Cookie record
- Cookie relay game (x 2 sets)
- Recipe cards
- Measuring cup
- Bowl
- Wooden spoon
- Spatula
- Apron
- Oven mitt
- Flour box
- Cookie sheet
- Milk carton
- Fridge sign/box
- Store sign/box
- Stove sign/box
- Smart cookie word search/safety quiz/maze booklets
- Glue
- Glue gun
- Medicine cups
- Q-tips
- Cookie song sheets
- GGC cookies