1.4 Our Cookies Don't Crumble!
Program Connections: | |
Gathering Activity (in their circles) {Cookies, Yum! and Cookies Rising - Handling Money}
- Put the following list in each circle box:
- Take attendance and dues.
- Put your meeting bead onto your nametag.
- Play the Cookie Case Money Game (get help from an owl!)
- Inside the box are also Craft: Key Name Tag, beads (that look like little chocolate mint cookies - brown cylindrical beads that have the hole going through the side rather than through the middle), dues book and bag, circle song pasted onto the outside of the box, and the Game: The Cookie Case Money Game.
- Circle Songs
- Brownie Song
Story: History of Girl Guide Cookies {Cookies Rising - History of Girl Guide Cookies}
- Read the Story: Girl Guide Cookie Story (http://www.girlguides.ca/cookie_story)
- after reading the story, solicit the girls to tell you what they remember about it
Goal Setting {Cookies Rising - Goal Setting and Key to I Can 8B}
- Talk about the Cookie All Stars program and setting goals to reach the prize levels.
- Talk about how we use our cookie profits in our unit.
- Also brainstorm different ways to sell cookies.
Etiquette {Cookies Rising - Etiquette and Cookies, Yum! interest badge}
- Have two large sheets of paper on the floor in the middle of the circle. One says "Bad" and the other says "Good".
- Give each girl a large card with one of the following statments on it (these are just samples - you can make up your own!):
- Say thank you
- Say please
- Say excuse me
- Walk on the grass
- Mumble
- Chewing gum
- Wear your uniform
- Wear jeans and a t-shirt
- Go alone
- Go with an adult
- Give the right change
- Walk away without giving change
- Pet a dog without asking permission
- Go into a customer's house
- Smile
- Frown
- Say "Hey, Lady... wanna buy some cookies???"
- Ask for permission to put a cookie poster up
- Drop cookie boxes on the ground
- Keep the cookie boxes clean
- Open a box of cookies that you haven't paid for
- Wear a cookie costume
- Walk away without thanking your customer
- Sing a cookie jingle
- Tell people how your unit uses cookie money
- Cross the street at a crosswalk
- Cross back and forth across the street to go to each house along the way
- Have each girl read her card aloud and put it onto the correct pile - "good" or "bad"
Skits {Key to I Can 8C}
- Either divide the girls into groups to practice cookie selling, or have a leader be the customer and present the girls with different scenarios - practice how to deal with a rude customer, a customer that invites you inside, remembering to say thank-you, etc
Game: Cookies Crossing {Cookies Rising - Teamwork}
- The girls must use teamwork to cross the milk lake while playing Game: Cookies Crossing.
Craft: Decorating Cookies {Cookies Rising - Creativity}
- Decorate sugar cookies using a variety of icing colours.
Promote Girl Guide Cookies {Key to I Can 8A}
- Either rotate the girls with half doing cookies and half doing posters, or have them move to posters when finished with the cookies.
- Create a poster to promote Girl Guide cookies. Make sure to put the price on the poster!
Game (time filler)
- Have an active game ready as a time filler
Brownie Closing
- Collect name tags
- Sing Now Run Along Home – song tune at http://www.dltk-bible.com/now_run_along_home.htm
- Sing the Brownie Closing Song