1.2 Make New Friends
Program Connections:
At meeting
- collect registration fees, note chq numbers, write receipts, collect H1 and IR1 forms; have a form ready to mark off what has been received!
On arrival
- Girls return to their colour circle from the previous week. [have a list of names on individual circle boxes]
- Circle 1 - red, Circle 2 - yellow, Circle 3 - blue, Circle 4 - green
Gathering Activity (in their circles)
- Put the following list in each circle box:
- The circle leader checks who is here today. Under today’s date on the LEFT page, put a check mark next to each girl’s name who is here. Put an “A” if someone is absent.
- The circle leader collects dues and marks on the RIGHT page how much money (dues) each girl brought. If someone did not bring money, do not fill in their dues spot.
- Put your meeting bead onto your nametag (you can ask for help from one of the owls!) then put your nametag on.
- Vote for your favourite circle emblem for your group. Everyone gets to vote.
- Start working on your Promise booklet. You don’t need to finish this! You can take it home.
- Inside the box are also Craft: Key Name Tag (made the previous week), beads, dues book and bag, voting slips, promise activity books (note: links to the national memberzone site - log in required), pencils.
- Circle Songs {Key to Brownies 4D}
- Brownie Song {Key to Brownies 4B}
- Practice the promise, motto and sign
The Brownie Toadstool Story {Key to Brownies 4A}
- Read the story from the Brownie program book.
Getting to Know You Game {Key to Brownies 2B, 2C}
- Craft: Sock Owl - relate the owl craft to the wise owl in the Brownie story.
Learn to tie the Brownie tie {Key to Brownies 4C}
- Not all girls have a Brownie tie yet. Have ~2 ft long lengths of rope for each girl to start learning how to tie a reef knot. There are lots of reef knot images online - print a picture of how to tie a reef knot for each group of two girls.
- As our group is attending a day camp this weekend where we will be completing the BC Arts to Go challenge, we will learn and practice some of the songs (note: several times through each song).
- Tall Trees
- Listen to the Earth
- Cuckoo
Brownie Closing
- Collect name tags
- Sing Now Run Along Home – song tune at http://www.dltk-bible.com/now_run_along_home.htm
- Sing the Brownie Closing Song {Key to Brownies 4B}
Supplies needed for the meeting:
- SG4 form completed (must be at all meetings)
- Receipt book and money box
- Extra H1 forms
- Binder to store health forms (H1 and H4 – first aid treatment report)
- First aid kit
- List of girls and colour circles
- Circle boxes
- Fleece circles to gather on
- Dues bags with dues books and pencils
- Circle instruction sheets
- beads
- circle voting slips
- promise activity books
- pencils
- Attendance and dues record
- Meeting plan
- Brownie book
- Toad stool & Owl for opening
- Large paper with owl name choices written on it
- craft supplies - stuffed socks, felt parts, googly eyes, glue