B1.6 Smile, You're Worth It
This meeting plan was shared with me by another Guider.
Program Connections:
6:00-6:05 pm
- Circle songs (attendance/dues)
- Brownie opening song
- Brownie Promise
6:05 – 6:15 pm
- 6. Zzzzz – Good Night
- Why is sleep important and how much sleep do people need every day?
- Memory problems, low energy, weakened immune system and will get sick easier, grumpy
- 7-12 year olds need 10 – 11 hours of sleep
- Adults need 7 – 8 hours of sleep
- A. Tell a funny story about sleep and dreams.
- B. Share some of your dreams. Are they strange or curious?
- Children should understand that resting is as important as exercising and eating good food. Talk about the sleeping habits of other animals. Where do their dogs and cats sleep? How does a fish sleep? What do birds use to make a comfortable resting place for their babies?
- Have the children draw a mental picture of a good sleep environment.
- Do they need:
- A soft (or firm) pillow
- A cuddly blanket
- A favourite doll or teddy bear
- All the lights off
- A nightlight?
- Could they sleep:
- With a drum banging in their room
- On a hard floor
- If a dog was barking outside their window
- If their brother or sister was talking loudly inside their room?
- What other conditions would make it hard to sleep? How would they handle each situation? Ask if they remember their dreams. What do they do if they have a bad dream?
6:15 – 6:25 pm
- 4. Germ Buster
- What can you do to avoid bad germs?
- Explain that germs are living organisms. Two types of germs make us sick – viruses and bacteria. It’s important to wash hands often to avoid spreading germs. Experts advise washing hands as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday.
- Brownie Clean Hands
- Wash your hands every day
When you eat, work or play
Scrub with soap and hot water
To clean the dirt all away.
- Wash your hands every day
- *hand out germ sheets to kids
- Ask the Brownies to name all the things they do with their hands, such as petting their cats, dogs or other pets, clapping, building models, eating and playing with toys, games and playground equipment.
- Tell them to look at their hands. They can’t see germs because they’re too small. That’s why it’s important that they wash their hands thoroughly:
- Before eating
- Before handling food
- When they cough or sneeze
- After handling something that is dirty or dusty
- After going to the bathroom
- Hand Washing Practice
- Talk about the proper way to wash hands. Scrub hand for 15 to 30 seconds with regular soap and water. Be sure to scrub the top and bottom of the hands and under the nails. Rinse and dry. Do a pantomime practice while singing the Brownie Hand Washing Song.
- Freaky Germs
- Ask the girls to describe their idea of a germ or several different germs. Are they yucky? Are they scary? What colours are they? Where do they live? What scares them? Do they scare the girls? Why?
- Friendly Germs
- Tell the girls that not all germs are bad. Some germs even keep us healthy. For example, probiotics are bacterial organisms that contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. Other bacteria are used in food production, especially in dairy products such as sour cream and yogurt that have good bacteria in them.
- Germ Quiz
- Germs are in the air you breathe. True
- All bacteria can make you sick. False
- Your skin blocks germs from getting in. True
- The best way to cover a sneeze is with your hand. False
- Your can’t get germs from sharing someone’s drink out of the same straw. False
- If you have a scrape or a cut on your body, germs can get into your skin. True
- If bacteria get into your body, you always get sick. False
- Almost 80% of germs are spread through touch. True
- Germs can hide under fingernails. True
- Germs can be found everywhere. True
- You can get germs from a handshake. True
- A good way to prevent catching germs is to wash your hands with cool water. False
- B. Help fight germs. Clean an area at home.
- Ask kids to tell next week what they cleaned.
- C. Learn how to clean your toothbrush, hairbrush and comb.
- Toothbrush: Wash your toothbrush before and after every use. This constitutes holding it under running water and rubbing your thumb over it with force. Do this for five to ten seconds. Deep clean it occasionally, by placing it on the top rack of a dishwasher and running it with ordinary dishwasher soap.
- Hairbrush: Remove hair from brush. Dip brush several times into ward soapy water. Rinse brush with cool water and let dry.
- Comb: Soak your comb in warm water with vinegar or soap. Use an old toothbrush to clean the comb.
6:25 – 6:35 pm
- A. Make up a story about germs. Make it funny but true.
- *germ popsicle stick characters (external link)
6:35 – 6:40 pm
- Dental relay race
- Put kids in teams and have a relay race where kids must try to keep the “tooth” on a large spoon as they run. If they drop it the must go back to the beginning.
6:40 – 6:50 pm
- Make a collage of smile pictures.
- Hand out smile picture sheet
6:50 – 7:00 pm
- Count the teeth game with mini-marshmallows
7:00 – 7:05 pm
7:05 – 7:25 pm
- Special Guests – dental hygenists
- Topic: Talk to a health professional about good dental habits
- Apple in a bag (Make a small hole in a fresh apple. Then take the apple out of the paper bag that has been sealed for 3 days. Explain that the brown around the apple’s hole is like what happens to teeth that aren’t brushed every day.)
- Flossing is Fun (Show the girls how to wrap the yarn around their fingers to “floss” their teeth and demonstrate on an egg carton turned bump side up)
- Keep a daily chart for one week, showing how you kept your smile healthy by brushing and flossing. (hand out chart as take home project to be returned next week)
- Hand out Smile Girl sheet.
7:25 – 7:30 pm
- Grand Howl (as thank you to guests/cards)
- Gather in the Brownie Ring.
- Squat down, knees bent, arms between your legs with two fingers of each hand touching the floor.
- Say “Tu-whit, tu-whit, tu-whoo” softly. Rise a little and then return to the squatting position.
- Rise again a little higher and repeat, “Tu-whit, tu-whit, tu-whoo,” a little louder.
- Rise a third time, even higher. Say only “Tu-whit, tu-whit,” but louder. Then leap in the air and clap your hand above your head as you yell, “Tu-whoo”
- Brownie closing song
Supplies needed for meeting
- Toadstool
- Owl
- Attendance clip board
- Money bag
- Brownie clean hands sheet
- Dice
- Meeting Planner
- Toothbrush
- Hairbrush
- Comb
- Germ popsicle stick characters
- Foam teeth
- 3 spoons
- Collage sheets
- Mini-marshmallows
- Tammy the Tooth story
- Count the teeth game
- Apple/apple in a bag
- Egg carton
- Yarn
- Brush and floss chart sheet
- Pencils
- Glue sticks
- Masking tape
- Table paper
- Smiles
- Thank you cards/gift certificates for guests