Game: The Cookie Case Money Game


  • Cookie dough envelopes (available with the cases of cookies that your unit will sell)
  • Cookie dough pretend money - note, you could download "Cookie Dough Dollars" from memberzone (, but they don't have the same denominations as I have created for the game and also there is a lot of "ink" used in their design so the colour of the paper won't show through as well.
    • I printed $1 on yellow cardstock
    • $2 on white cardstock
    • $5 on blue paper
    • $10 on purple paper
    • $20 on green paper
  • instructions
  • scissors (for preparation only)
  • pencils
  • envelopes or baggies to separate instructions.


  • Print out the instructions.  You will need to make 4 copies (or however many circles you have) of page 2.
  • Divide all instructions into individual envelopes (I used ziplock baggies).
  • With the main game instruction sheet, put $10 in float - three $2 and four $1.
  • With card #1, put a $10 cookie dough bill.
  • With card #2, put three $2 "coins".
  • With card #3, put a $20 cookie dough bill.
  • With card #4, put three $10 cookie dough bills.
  • With card #5, put a $5 cookie dough bill.
  • With card #6, put a $5 cookie dough bill and three $2 "coins".

How to Play:

  • We played this game with our circles at the beginning of the meeting.  Each circle has six girls in it, so each girl had one scenario to read.  The circle leader read the main instruction sheet.  All of the girls in the circle helped to solve the problem.
  • Before beginning the scenarios, we counted out the 'float' so all of the girls could see that we started with $10.  We talked about the importance of bringing a 'float' with you when selling cookies so that you can give your customers the correct change.
  • Have a leader sit with each group to explain how to use the back of the Cookie Dough envelopes to figure out how much it costs for multiple boxes of cookies and to help the girls along.