1.6 Enrolment Ceremony - 4th Meeting (Being a Spark keeper - part 4)

Program Connections:Being A Spark

  • Being a Spark
    • 1 -The Spark Promise
    • 2 - Spark Meeting Opening and Closing Songs
    • 4 -Enrolment

Practice enrollment ceremony

  • Go through the entire thing without parents present.
  • Put on crowns and distribute wands just before parents arrive.

Parents arrive

Opening song [Being a Spark - 2]

Spark Promise [Being a Spark - 1]

Welcome parents & guests

  • explain that each new Spark is to be enrolled tonight.

Enrolment Ceremony [Being a Spark - 4]

  • New Sparks come up to the designated leader one at a time (as called). Each girl says her promise while holding her hand in the Sparks sign. She then receives her enrollment pin and certificate. Another leader takes a photo of each girl holding her certificate (to be used later in their memory books).
  • Leader takes a photo of the entire Spark group.
  • Thank parents and guests for coming.

Wash hands for snack


  • cake or cupcakes prepared by one of the leaders.

Closing song [Being a Spark - 2]


Note that if the girls have attended all meetings to date, they have earned their "Being a Spark" keeper badge.